Monday, November 24, 2008

My Confession



我之前一直覺得很丟臉,都不敢跟別人說,只有進過我房間的人才知道... 是不小心被發現的!

話說為什麼我會開始用,我也不知道。好像就有一天去Michael's(一家craft store)的時候,就很自然的去yarn的那一邊,然後就覺得可以試試看。




第二、因為手被佔用了,所以只能聽東西,或者是說話。因此我常常做的時候,就在聽IHOP的prayer room的敬拜,或者江牧師的信息,不知不覺中,就在洗腦。另外,我常常在編織的時候跟神講話,很多時候神都藉此也跟我講話。鼓勵我或者是光照我的黑暗,然後我也可以做簡單的禱告。真的別小看這個,我最近有很多的改變、突破,都要歸功於這個時候。


Monday, November 3, 2008

Grapes + Apple






正當經濟一直往下滑時,我們通常都覺得不關我們的事,因為我們根本沒有在賺錢,所以好像對我們都沒有影響。But have you ever thought of where the money you spent come from?




Sunday, November 2, 2008

Emotional Problems

I don't know how my private diary popped up on this blog for one day..... how embarrassing.... fortunately, there's no names in there.

It's funny when i see that post cuz i don't feel that way any more. I haven't post for a long time, so i guess i'll just write something about this.

I was dealing with emotional problems for the last few weeks. Everyone has this "emotional problem". Do not deny! I have it too. Emotional problems don't have to be like "i like him", "i love her", etc. It could just be like i-care-about-him-more-than-most-guys, even though you might not "like" him. If you have this feeling, you MUST deal with it for your own sake! It feels super awesome when you are free from it. Seriously.

I would say that the process is NOT easy at all. You must be DETERMINED. That's the whole point - BE DETERMINED. After i made my decision, i warfared against it a lot. How? Whenever think of him, i simply decide that i'm not going to continue doing so. I just start praying to God to help me, and focus my eyes on Jesus. Basically, this is what i can think of right now. Maybe i'll post more details about dealing this in the future.

Anyways, the strategy that i wrote looks so lame, but it's not. Did you know that God hears every prayer if you mean it? Your prayer could be simple, but sincere. Your prayers must be sincere and determined. Not like "God, i wish i won't think of him/her anymore. help me God." in a pity attitude. Be like, "GOD, I DON'T WANT TO AND I WON'T THINK ABOUT HIM/HER ANYMORE! so help me. Let my eyes be only on you." Be aggresive!

I remembered one time, i prayed about it for around 15 minutes when i couldn't concentrate. The next day when i was in the same situation, i wasn't bothered by the emotional thoughts i had yesterday. i was so excited cuz i'm improving! And little by little, i got set free more and more. until now, i'm starting to taste the sweetness of being free.

Never say that you tried it before but it never worked for you. It's not a one-time issue, you have to constantly deal with it. If i can do it, then anyone can do it. Might take weeks or months to completely overcome it, but the prize is big once you fight the good fight.